Board Meeting |
07/29/2022 08:30 AM |  -
One tap mobile +12532158782,,84806569090#,,,,*697361# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,84806569090#,,,,*697361# US (Houston) -
|  |  | |
Board Meeting |
04/29/2022 09:30 AM |  -
One tap mobile +13462487799,,81342478735#,,,,*205689# US (Houston) +14086380968,,81342478735#,,,,*205689# US (San Jose) -
Meeting ID: 813 4247 8735 Passcode: 205689 |  |  | |
Persons wishing to participate in the meeting may connect to the meeting through the link below or telephone numbers below. Persons wishing to provide public comment during the meeting may use the links below and at the appropriate time, the Board Chair will call on persons wishing to make public comment. |
Board Meeting |
02/11/2022 09:30 AM |  -
One tap mobile +14086380968,,83682014414#,,,,*745131# US (San Jose) +16699006833,,83682014414#,,,,*745131# US (San Jose) -
Meeting ID: 836 8201 4414 Passcode: 745131 |  |  | |
Persons wishing to participate in the meeting may connect to the meeting through the link below or telephone numbers below. Persons wishing to provide public comment during the meeting may use the links below and at the appropriate time, the Board Chair will call on persons wishing to make public comment. |
Board Meeting |
01/21/2022 09:00 AM |  -
One tap mobile + 14086380968,,89442429506#,,,,*414931# US (San Jose) + 16699006833,,89442429506#,,,,*414931# US (San Jose) -
|  |  | |
Notice of Public Workshop for Proposted Regulation |
01/27/2022 09:30 AM | |  | |  |
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Governor's Directives, this meeting will be conducted via Zoom. Anyone wishing to participate in the meeting via Zoom must email the Board at to receive the Zoom meeting information and password. The email will be monitored during the meeting for anyone who wishes to attend the meeting and participate. |
Notice of Intent to Act upon a Regulation Proposed Regulation |
02/11/2022 09:30 AM | |  | |  |
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Governor's Directives, this meeting will be conducted via Zoom. Anyone wishing to participate in the meeting via Zoom must email the Board at to receive the Zoom meeting information and password. The email will be monitored during the meeting for anyone who wishes to attend the meeting and participate. |